Monday, July 2, 2012

Water Challenge take two

So last week I failed on my water challenge on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This week’s health challenge was going to be running at least twice this week. Then I looked at the forecast. Um, no thanks! I don’t think I can handle starting to run again with highs in the 90’s all week. Ick! So it looks like I need to revamp my health challenge and redo the water challenge for sure. Granted the water challenge is meant to be a life style change, not just a one week challenge and then it’s done for my life. And I definitely drank more water than I would have even on the days I failed. But I definitely can do much better. Let’s go for five days of hitting the mark this week. J

So this week I think instead of starting my running, I will focus on starting back up with my daily strength and flex routine as I call it. It’s a mixture of stretches, strength exercises, and yoga. And I loved doing it every day to wake up with because it just gets the blood flowing without being too strenuous. It’s light enough to do every day, without being so light that get nothing out of it. I do sweat by the end, especially in this heat I will. But it has never left me sore either. And it was really helping me when I was running, and my flexibility improved while I was doing it. I stopped most of it when pregnant, because I couldn’t do pushups or sit-ups or pretty much any of the strength exercises. So maybe that should be my goals for this week for health. Water challenge again (read previous post by that name if you don’t know what that is) and doing my strength and flex every day. I’ll be honest most of the exercises I stole from Billy Blanks tae bo warm ups and cool downs and just added pushups, sit-ups, lunges, and some yoga poses. Just a little something to burn a few calories and stretch my body out. Well, if I’m going to do this, I might as well do it while I have motivation. And while my son is sleeping… ah nap time! I guess I’m off to get dressed and work out! I’ll let you know next Monday how the week went! Hopefully, tomorrow I find time to post about the green cleaners I will be trying soon!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Green Cleaning

I have started in the last year to use some homemade green cleaners. I have to admit so far I’m in love! They are soo much cheaper; I feel most clean better, and honestly, what more can you say about cleaners? I thought I would share which ones I’ve started using and which ones I want to try soon.

Laundry detergent. I am beyond in love with homemade laundry detergent. My skin is slightly sensitive, and obviously my son’s is as well. We always bought “free and clear” versions of the cheap laundry detergent, because honestly, what else could we afford? Young married couples don’t get money trees for wedding presents, though honestly they should. Or maybe we did and they just aren’t mature enough yet? Moving on… The laundry detergent I make is extremely easy, cheap: like I had Dutch grandparents cheap, cleans well, doesn’t affect my skin nor my son’s, and can be used on our cloth diapers! What is there not to love?? Yes, it takes a little time mixing the ingredients, but it took Jer and I about a half hour roughly a month before our son was born and we are still working on that batch three and a half months since he was born. And have a good quarter to third left. So now that I have you sold that it’s amazing, I’ll tell you what it is. Arm and Hammer washing soda (it’s the same as baking soda just a bit stonger), Borax, and Ivory soap. Three ingredients, that’s all. Ratio: one cup washing soda, one cup borax, one bar grated Ivory soap. Some people boil it into a liquid and add essential oils for scent… that’s too much work for me. I stir them all in a big bowl, put it in a sealed container, and use one tablespoon per load. Except cloth diapers, that’s only a half tablespoon. Ah-mazing. And Easy. Admit it you thought it would be hard. But I’m the queen of easy. And cheap- I am mostly Dutch after all.

Next thing I switched to was baking soda instead of Lysol. I hate Lysol. Anything that smells that potent cannot be good for you. And per my husband’s preference, we sprayed Lysol in the trash can after every bag of trash. Ick. Now, we sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the new trash bag, and after anything majorly stinky. No more smell of Lysol, and honestly no more nasty smells at all really. I even use baking soda in the cloth diaper bin. And only the days where it’s 90 out multiple days in a row (and I hadn’t washed them in about 5 days…) have we smelled the diapers. I keep old parmesan containers for sprinkling baking soda. Works wonders! We keep one in the closet for the cloth diapers and one under the kitchen sink for cleaning.

Next I ran out of toilet bowl cleaner. And I do cloth diapers (as I keep saying). I clean the bowl at least twice a week. I’m not sticking my hands in there unless it’s been cleaned properly. And I ran out of the Works toilet bowl cleaner. Another smelly cleaning product. That I worshiped for needing a clean toilet bowl. So I looked at my list of green cleaners, and there was a mix. A complicated mix of lemon juice, washing/baking soda, and borax. I don’t do complicated. Ever. So I googled other ways. There must be something easier. Easier than running ten minutes to town with a one month old (or less I don’t remember exactly when I ran out) to Dollar General to pick up the Works. Easier than that complicated mix with instructions to boil. So I read the borax box… Hey wow! It cleans and deodorizes the bowl! Hmmm. So I now scrub my toilet bowl twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays typically, thanks for asking) with approximately a quarter cup of straight borax, straight from the box. It would be from a parmesan container if I had more than two empty (well now baking soda filled). Pour in, scrub, let sit for half an hour to overnight, as the box says. I love it. Well mostly. Right now I hate it. Since I started the water challenge and was peeing every ten minutes yesterday, I was going to do the overnight sit. Well I was tired. And forgot. Right now I have five minutes of the half hour left, and am typing faster than I ever have, because I have to pee soooo bad!!! Stupid water challenge. Back to the borax toilet bowl cleaner: it does not disinfect. So if you are anal about your toilet bowl being disinfected find something different. I figure it’s going to hold poop. In fact, I only stick my hands in it for poop. So what’s the point?

Well this post has just hit a second page on word…. So I will make what I want to try next (because honestly those are the only three things we regularly have changed) on my next post. Look out! I have an idea for a next post! One more minute till I can pee….. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Water Challenge

This week my health accountability partner and I are doing a water challenge. There are so many reasons when switching your diet to start with a water challenge first. But let me first describe what we are doing and why.

I want to change my diet (Everyone has a diet. I never understood how you go on a diet; everyone is all ready on one.) to be more consistent with what one should be eating. Less sweets, more fiber, more water, less empty calories. It’s not so much about losing weight as getting healthy. Hopefully the weight does drop and that would be great icing on my proverbial cake that I no longer can eat. Speaking of cake, Jerry hid the rest of my birthday cake in the freezer…. Only my husband would think to use my sensitive teeth against me…

Anyway, I want to gradually switch to a healthier diet. I’ve learned that I do much better at gradual change (Kaizen- slow, continuous improvements) than an all-or-nothing start. I just don’t stick with it when I jump in with both feet. I like to slowly go down the steps. Gradually get used to things. That didn’t work out so well with having a baby, but with my diet and exercise regimen it can.

The first thing to do to help in more ways than I thought possible is to start drinking the appropriate amount of water. Most of the time when we (myself included) grab a bite to eat because we are mildly hungry, it’s because we are thirsty. Not hungry. Hmm. So the number one reason I want to start with water is to curb my appetite, therefore hopefully helping my eating less calories a day. Water also obviously hydrates, giving more energy to work out. Or as we are learning, more energy to get up and pee. Less calories in from curbing appetite; more calories out by getting up to pee. There are so many benefits to water beyond just those such as improved brain function and decreased risk of cancer. And it has no calories! Amazing.

So what exactly is the water challenge? Well, the appropriate amount of water per day is half your weight in ounces. So if you weigh 100 pounds you need to drink 50 ounces of water per day. It’s super easy. Kinda. But you try fitting in as many glasses a day as I need to around feeding and napping routines. Not to mention all the peeing. So far today, I have had about half my intake. But the challenge is we have to do it every day this week. Not just today, every day. And from here on out, not really just this week. Basically, you can say goodbye to any other liquids because you will feel soooo waterlogged the first few days! Which is good, we need more water and less calories! Also, most health gurus allow tea and coffee to also count. But remember they have calories. Water doesn’t. Never forget to count your liquid calories as well! (That was when I learned you can’t drink two big glasses of chocolate milk a day and expect to lose weight! Bummer!)

Anyone else want to accept this challenge?

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. But honestly, isn’t that every day?

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. But honestly, isn’t that every day?

Why do people always wait for big cloud parting, lightning striking, hair on the neck raising, tingling sensations to happen before doing something about their lives? Or until a doctor tells them to shape up or die? I myself do that all the time, something big happens, like watching the premier of “Biggest Loser” each year or randomly reading a motivational book or getting pregnant to pretend to change. I say pretend because obviously I’ve never strived hard enough to actually complete a change. I started running and I dropped weight. I got pregnant, had to quit running for health reasons, and got fat again. (Okay I admit remained fat, but got fatter.) I started a blog. Three times. This I figure as number four, because it’s worked so well before. Those big mountain top experiences never actually last for forever. Why? Fear? Probably. But mostly I think all of us have a lack of self-control and perseverance. My waist line proves both for me. So today I step out. I’m starting this on my 26th birthday: the wrong side of 25 as I’ve heard it so many times. I’m going to try to stick with it this time, and have some accountability to it. I will use my kaizen and actually get through this struggle of not doing my dream. My calling. I’m not me when I’m not writing, reading, knitting, scrapping, and all around starting to be a more natural, simple woman/wife/mother. It’s time to break out and start fulfilling my dreams. But I have to work to achieve them. And I will work on them here.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Kaizen update 2/24/12

This week I will be tweaking my goals some, because I am now realizing with two weeks in a row being consistent with each other, that maybe I started my goals too high. Time to drop my expectations for a week and see how I do. Now, I am the kind who likes to set the standard high, but I am noticing that I am pressuring myself a bit much for 38.5 weeks pregnant. So lets look at what my week consisted of based on last weeks goals:

My daily goals have been close to being achieved everyday. I need to be more consistent, but the goals themselves are great, and will remain the same. But for the majority of the week I have been accomplishing these goals, even if not in the time of day I would like to.

My weekly goals: this is where I need to make some changes. Blogging is looking like I need to try twice a week for awhile until I get a better handle on life. Knitting did go better this week- I knit 3 times, and accomplished a lot. Now instead of a weekly amount of times, I want this project done by next Thursday. I can accomplish that if I push and of coarse that is also assuming no baby in the next week. That could change all goals though :). The house is also sufficiently clean, rounding out my weekly goals as an A- to B+ status in my opinion. Blogging was subpar, but the rest went well for the week!

Yoga is a big failure. This belly no like to cooperate with any poses. It's awkward. So I have been walking and doing just general stretches this week. And frankly, I don't think yoga will be on my list until after baby and I'm mostly healed up again. Laundry only consisted of a couple loads, therefore I did not spread it over two days. That just seemed like a waste for how little I needed to do this week.

February's reading goal has been accomplished!!! A week early! How exciting to beat a goal! :D Now to set some new ones.

Daily Goals:

Clean Kitchen Daily (all dishes done, counters and table wiped)
Make the bed each morning
Pick up house each evening
Prep tomorrow's dinner (like put meat for defrost in fridge, etc.) each evening
Make tomorrow's to-do list each evening

Weekly Goals:

Clean House (sweep, vacuum, bathroom, you know the normal stuff)
Knit- finish project
Blog 2 times

Goals for 3/2/12:

Walk some each day
Stretch everyday
Laundry spaced out over 2 days

Now lets see if I can stick to these this week!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Babywise vs Baby Whisperer

I have read in the last couple weeks both On Becoming Babywise and The Secrects of the Baby Whisperer. Both have essentially the same theme: structured routine with your infant to help them transition into your life easier and sleep through the night faster. I did glean some good information from each, but they are written in two totally different styles. I honestly would never rad another book by the Babywise author/s. They really rubbed me the wrong way. But lets start with a basic "book report" if you will.


Written by two men. Normally, that doesn't bother me. Men can know about raising children just as well as women. But these men are super pompous!! I really did not enjoy the tone of writing. They completely blow attachment parenting out of the water, and they have very strong opinions on certain things that everyone should do with their child. I hate to remind them that every baby is different as are parents. Meaning there are multiple correct ways of parenting. But apparently theirs is the only way. At least that is the feeling I got from the book.

However, I did learn a lot about their form of structure. I agree with a lot of what they said, yet it took me several chapters to fully grasp what they were trying to tell me. Honestly, that bothered me too. I read the chapters on the actual routine and was still lost about what they were saying. But basically, baby needs to eat right after sleep and then stay awake for awhile. Never put baby to sleep with breast or bottle, because baby will become dependent on eating prior to sleeping and use it as a prop to fall asleep. Basically, teach your child to self-soothe to fall asleep. Put baby in crib before they are fully asleep so they don't depend on anything but themselves for sleep. Makes sense, I agree with the basic concept. But really your way isn't the only way... but again I agree with the basics and will be trying it with little Oswald.

Baby Whisperer:

British lady with massive experience with tons of different styles of households and parents and babies. Loved her writing (but I am partial to the Brits style of say it like it is, bluntly.), loved how she explained her concept, and will be using a lot of the information learned in the book. First, it's always nice to here that some things Americans think of as strange is normal for other parts of the world. Since we are planning on some "back to the basic" ways of parenting, it's very nice to know it's normal elsewhere at least. She takes the same concept and explains it well. E.A.S.Y. Eat, Activity, Sleep, You time. Same order as Babywise, just written in an easier tone, and explained completely. Both state that sleeping through the night is possible by 6-8 weeks. But Baby Whisperer takes into account that babies are different and some take longer. She also tells lots of tricks about how to fix small parental issues that can affect the EASY plan. Loved it. And will be using so much info from her. Heck I've been using it with Caly (our dog), you need to think through what you teaching with your reactions to the child/pet's actions. And be consistent. Specifically, be consistent from day one. We will be trying to do that as best as possible.

Jerry and I are constantly talking about how we would integrate baby into our everyday routines. We have refigured out many of our systems or routines to help make life easier to transition. Let's hope all this reading and talking really has helped us prepare! We are sooo ready now. At least emotionally. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Kaizen update 2/17/12

This is the cheating method to get three posts... But I felt the Kaizen update deserved it's own post, and it does help my numbers- though I was hoping for more time in between posts. Next week we will work on that.

My daily goals for setting a routine definitely still need some work. Dinner was a constant battle, since I never got around to do a meal plan. Dishes were not done everyday, which make them harder the subsequent day. I didn't even make my bed every day. But the house is clean right now, and honestly it was manageable all week. I would have liked to have achieved better, but it is a start.

I have only knit twice so far this week, but I am planning on knitting either today yet or this evening. I have a project that needs completing soon. And as you can tell I "kinda" blogged three times, however I believe it's a cop out. Therefore even these I need to work on. Definitely not A+ work going on here this week. However, I am on my fourth book for the week. Yes, I had only read one book so far this year, and here I am on my fourth. In one week.

I did split my laundry into two days. It worked well. Especially, considering going up and down the stairs is getting much harder. Only doing it a few times helped my days go much smoother. And I think eventually incorporating laundry into my morning routine everyday will not be so hard. Still working on planning that in for the future. Yoga, well once again not a stellar effort. I did find three poses, all are fairly easy and work on flexibility and movement while pregnant. I only did them once. But I have also walked a lot this week.

So for my past week, I would say I need some improvement, but I am trying at least. This week we will try for some of the same goals while changing or adding a little more.

Daily Goals:

Clean Kitchen Daily (all dishes done, counters and table wiped)
Make the bed each morning
Pick up house each evening
Prep tomorrow's dinner (like put meat for defrost in fridge, etc.) each evening
Make tomorrow's to-do list each evening

Weekly Goals:

Clean House (sweep, vacuum, bathroom, you know the normal stuff)
Knit 3 times
Blog 3 times

Goals for 2/24/12:

Yoga poses 2x
Laundry spaced out over 2 days

February Goal:

Read 2 more books.

I think changing the yoga may help me to attain the goal easier. And I think I will switch from having a yearly book goal to a monthly goal. That way I can adapt when Oswald does arrive. I'm currently about a fourth of the way through a book, meaning I should be able to complete two more by the end of the month. Unless Oswald comes and changes that, but my next book after the one I am currently reading is a Nicholas Sparks. Those only take me a day or two... he's my favorite! Maybe my next post will be starting a weekly/bi weekly book review about what I've currently finished. It's a good thought at least!

Basement organization

so I only made it to two this week- I'll admit it saddens me to think that I didn't hit all my goals, but yet, I did blog twice! :) I will make it one of these days. Rome wasn't built in a day. But as promised, I wanted to discuss our basement organization in this post.

So had a leak in the grout in our bathroom. That is how it started. How long had it been there, we have no clue, other than a long, long time. Possibly before we bought the house. But moving on, leak= water damage which in turn when left unchecked leads to mold. Yup. Due to having a baby soon, we decided to take action (finally!). We redid our shower- same tub, new surround. It took a little over a week, but that was finished about two weeks ago now. Step one complete- fix leak. Step two- contain mold is now in order. And that is where we are at. The mold was mostly contained to one large area, and Jer has wiped down a good chunk of the basement with bleach water since we have gotten pregnant. But thankfully we found borax- works just as well at ridding and keeping mold away without the nasty harsh smell of bleach. (I am so ready to have bleach be out of our lives for good. I hate the stuff.) Being the overplanning, organizational freak of nature I am- I decided this is a great time for spring cleaning the basement. It's only about two months ahead of our normal spring cleaning schedule, and it never got done this past year. And what 8.5 month pregnant woman doesn't want to tackle a basement??? Steps, scrubbing, organizing all of our old things... yes. I'm nesting, but thankfully so is Jerry.

Our basement is set up in three rooms. The storage room which has furnace, water heater, water pump, and the under the stairs closet; the "study" (well, we thought it would be a great place to relax and such) which has all his hunting stuff, my books, organ, and is a fully finished room; and the main basement which is more of a den/game room type setting with a section at the bottom of the stairs with laundry, laundry tub, and freezer. Right now, we are focusing on cleaning/scrubbing the two small rooms- the study and storage rooms. We have gone through most of our stuff to decide what will be gotten rid of and what kept, and right now the main basement looks like a massive storage unit. It looks like a hoarder's house. It scares me. But this weekend the goal is to finish at least the study and move everything back in there. Then we move on to the storage room, and Christmas can finally be fully placed back in the under stair closet!! Yay! Hopefully this means by the end of March, when we normally would start our Spring cleaning, we can have the basement done. I would push for sooner, but with Oswald coming in there sometime soon I don't want to push too hard and fail. I'm pretty impressed with our progress so far, and hope to keep moving at a good pace. I'll keep updating as we get further along. And maybe even post some pictures!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hope i can get my three in this week...

i really meant to blog yesterday, but i haven't been feeling great. And it was V-day- so i got busier than I expected as well. I'm hoping the not feeling great is my body just needing rest for it's biggest production yet- labor! I feel like a couple trains rain me over. Oh well.

So for V-Day (which is a day i have always despised) I spent my morning going between reading and cleaning. I'm finally catching up on some reading, thank goodness. And though I didn't get as much cleaning done as I wanted it still helped. Jerry took off an hour early so he could go with to my weekly doctor's appointment, since I didn't feel good. We ended up doing tons of stuff in Mishawaka we weren't planning on. It was a lot of fun! We went to Menards, where he made a few returns on items. Then purchased a few things he has been wanting (I would say needing, but he doesn't need them till spring/summer). Then hit up Meijer for $40 of groceries. (For those who live in town this may sound normal- those of us who normally only shop 1-2 times a month this is a miracle. The average Meijer trip is between $100-150) Then I had told Jer that I wanted mexican food, so we went to Hacienda and surprise! they were giving out a carnation to each lady. It was quite nice. We both had a great time there- but when looking at desserts, well nothing jumped out at me (especially for the price). So Jer offered to take me through Culver's drive thru for a Scoopie (with brownie pieces!) But I had an even better thought... Carside to go- Applebee's brownie bites. And yes, we totally had them cart out two brownie bites to go... so much cheaper and yummier! Best. Idea. Ever! Then when we got home, I got to take a bath! I'm pretty sure that was the last bath till Oswald comes.... It was really hard to get out this time. I don't take baths without Jerry home now, since I need his help (even if it is just spotting for me). And even with him there I was kinda scared getting out this time. So for being a day I have grown up despising it really turned out quite well! (Still was hoping I could walk a baby out while shopping, but no luck.)

Next post (which may be later today- I really want to get my three in, and I need to get cleaning- sleeping in makes me less motivated) I will talk about all our happening in the basement organizing! I'm kinda excited for all of that!

Friday, February 10, 2012

I made it to three posts this week! almost time to celebrate!

Today, I want to lightly pat myself for making it to three posts in a week. That is one goal complete for the week! How exciting! I really need to formulate a better list for myself of goals for the week though, so I can do a weekly post on how my goals are doing- instead of this daily rehash on goals :) I think Fridays- or the third post of the week (since I have no clue what days I'll blog in three weeks when I finally meet my dream of Stay-At-Home Mom~dom!) I will post on my goals, if they have changed, how I'm doing on preset goals, and if I have added any. Right now, I need to review (sad this is only post three and I need to review) what goals I have thus far...

Daily Goals: (I only count weekdays: weekends are freedom days in my opinion)

Clean Kitchen Daily (all dishes done, counters and table wiped)
Make the bed each morning
Pick up house each evening
Prep tomorrow's dinner (like put meat for defrost in fridge, etc.) each evening
Make tomorrow's to-do list each evening

Weekly Goals:

Clean House (sweep, vacuum, bathroom, you know the normal stuff)
Knit 3 times
Blog 3 times

These are the only ones for the moment. Soon after baby, I will be restarting my C25K. I miss it sooo much, and now that I have exercise clearance again from my doctor it's much to cold to go outside. And I think I'll pass on treadmil while 8.5 months pregnant. Probably not so smart. I will have to go slow, maybe not even run at all the first little while, but to walk again for a good length of time (not this 10 minutes or less thing) will be wonderful!! I know Caly (my beautiful almost 5 year old dog) has missed it! And to be able to do my yoga and strength training again will be great!!! I never thought I would be the kind to miss working out. Maybe that will be a good goal for next week- try and attempt three prenatal yoga poses three times. Yes! It's brilliant!
So Goals for 2/17/12:

three prenatal yoga poses tried three different times
and work on switching laundry from once a week to two days with 1-2 loads/day (cloth diapers will make this go up to 3x a week at least, and i'm hoping to do as other simple living moms and put at least one load in a day. sounds much easier that way)

I think that looks like plenty of kaizen for me... after all slow improvements right? I just need enough things to focus on to get me through these next 3.5 (more or less) weeks without going totally nuts. My nesting is starting to wind down, but I still have so much I would love to accomplish. Especially in our basement! And luckily that is our family project for the weekend! We are de-molding the storage room, re-organizing basically the whole basement (right now it looks like a random storage unit), and then just do the all around spring clean to it. I will then be going through our massive "goodwill" pile and deciding if I'm up to putting things on craiglist type deal I have access to or if we are just loading it all up for a goodwill run. The best part is that I actually enjoy doing this sort of cleaning! i just wish the basement weren't so cold. But, alas, I really need to clean my main floor today in preparation for tomorrow... enough procrastination... Clean time!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A little more of my kaizen

"Slow, continuous improvements."

I want to share more about goals I have set for myself this year, for accountability purposes. (Writing things down always helps, but writing them in a public sphere makes me want to achieve them that much more.)

This year, (and I know I'm late on the draw- but I've been preoccupied with getting ready for baby) I have a few personal goals I would like to meet- though they are bound to change as I learn life with a newborn... I may realize I set too low of standards, or that I was way too ambitious. My main goal is to find workable routines. By slowly changing (kaizen) to adapt to routines that will work with a baby, I hope to be able to maintain my house with much less effort than before. All ready this has been a big help, though I wouldn't say it's routine yet. I have been working on being more proactive on cleaning the kitchen daily, cooking off a planned menu, and keeping the dishwasher empty of clean dishes (this streamlines the cleaning portion as then Jerry even will put dirty dishes directly in). Though I have been cleaning most days instead of a big twice a week overhaul (as had become routine), it's not at a consistent time yet, and I know that even if I set a consistent time that may change... with baby. (you'll hear this alot... I am sooo ready to know how things will change- see this over-planner part of my personality??) I'm also working on getting set into a routine of picking up the house every evening. I used to do this in the morning, but realized I feel much better if' it's done at night. Jerry is able to pick up after himself when he sees me start this, instead of my having to pick up after both of us in the mornings. And it frees up my morning for other tasks: which is very nice.

In my hobby section my goals are very similar to last year. Last year my goal was to read a book a week- which I'm proud to say i accomplished. This year i had decided only 4 per month (therefore only 48 instead 53 last year), but this has all ready felt too ambitious, and I don't even have the newborn yet! So I need to find a different number that will work better- so far I have only read one book... which is a very slow year for me (since this is what? the 6th week all ready?). So I will keep everyone updated on what number if any- but I prefer to have a number; it forces me to constantly be learning from books (I do about half fiction and half non-fiction). Also, I will admit I have been reading several magazines lately, which may be why the books are lacking.

This year I would like to knit at least three days a week, as well as blog three days a week. This changed from last years goals based on the "failure" of those goals. "Constantly having a knitting project" was too vague of a goal- I honestly did have a project, if not more than one at a time (I have three right now), but I would go months without touching the needles... My thought is that setting aside time multiple times weekly for knitting will be more advantageous than saying to constantly have a project. Last year's blogging goal was to blog daily. Main lesson last year- I rarely work on a "daily" goal on the weekends when our schedules change so frequently. And I prefer that time with Jerry honestly. Even after conceding to just on weekdays, it was hard to upkeep with my work schedule. I figure three times a week at least right now, is doable. Once again we will change and improve goals once baby has arrived and shown us better what schedule we will be keeping.

The other goals I have are still in such small stages in planning that I prefer not to even share them, as I haven't even attempted to try to upkeep those, as I am working on these improvements first. I enjoy adding in goals as the year progresses instead of trying to make so many rash changes at the beginning of a new year. That is just asking to fail. Baby steps. Kaizen. They really do go hand in hand....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

my awe of the blog

I have tried blogging on and off throughout the years (about 7 or so i believe), and so far it never stuck for more than a month. It's not for a lack of love for the craft: I love writing, I love reading, I love socializing. Yet, I never felt i had enough to say to fill a blog. Then the truth hit me: does anyone really? After getting sucked into following a couple different blogs the last few weeks, I had an epiphany: all they do is write about their everyday struggles with their goals in the hopes that the readers help keep them accountable! AMAZING! That's what I want, as well as a convenient way to share updates on Baby Corwin (affectionately called Oswald Fauntleroy Oliver Corwin till baby is born and we have a gender for naming purposes). So this will mark the beginning of my hopefully new found way to communicate, and use the God given talent of writing that I have been neglecting. I do miss writing even if not daily, therefore it's time to broaden my horizons and start with a bang! Note: even though i despise reading grammar problems in text, I do tend to get ahead of myself when typing and end up with zillions of mistakes that may not all be caught in my very short and informal editing processes... I hate editing my own work.

So then: where to really begin? First a touch about me, I guess. My name is Diane Corwin. I was born and raised and still live in Southwest Michigan. I have an eclectic style for everything. My hobbies include: reading, writing, knitting, scrap booking, card making, movies, dancing, walking, and talking. I've have been married to Jerry for just over (like one month over) five years, and I would never trade our life together for anything. We have initiated simple living, homesteading, green living, going old school, whatever you prefer to call it in our lives. People think we are crazy, which is always the sign we are on the right track. We are officially eight months pregnant. Our journey to pregnancy was not easy, and we praise God everyday for the joy of our child. I am a bit of an over-planning, neat-freak, perfectionist, but I'm starting to realize perfection is not what we need to attain. The easiest way to get me talking is to ask about Disney World; it's my true home, where my heart really lies.

The most intriguing thing I have noticed after branching out and reading many blogs on topics I'm beginning to enjoy, is that most of these simple living moms all have one words for the year as well. Last year my word was tenacious. And not to brag but I rocked it! I may not have achieved all my goals (it's hard to run a 5k when your doctor tells you no running), but I achieved the most important one. The one I thought would be the hardest to measure achievement. "Get my body healthy enough to get pregnant". Well check that one off! I also had reading, writing, and knitting goals (collective called my hobby goals). And I had spiritual goals. Most were achieved or at least worked on during the year, and all in all I feel 2011 was a great year full of tenacity.

This year our family word is "Kaizen". This is a Japanese word for "slow, continuous improvements." It has been used in many companies as a philosophy for corporate restructuring, but we are using it to help us realize this year is all about life change. EVERYTHING will change with in the next 6 weeks. Though we feel we are as prepared as is possible, we know it will be a major time of change, individually and as a family. The dynamics of our relationship, and our relationships with others are going to change drastically. And it's quite scary to think about. Yet, we have been there before: getting married was a major change for both us as well. We know there will be struggles as we learn new routines, but we have made it through so many struggles all ready that I feel we are prepared for this.

I also really like kaizen as our choice, because I am not a very patient person. "SLOW, continuous improvements." Everything is changing slowly for us. We have been working at adapting our routines to help accommodate for having a baby in the house. We are slowly and continuously working on paying down debts to help afford the lifestyle we want with our children. We are using kaizen in almost every aspect of our life right now. I have finally completed reorganizing our entire upstairs in preparation for baby (minus the kitchen and pantry- that will be a major project for the next 6 months to try to find space for when Oswald F.O. Corwin starts solid food). We slowly (too slowly for a pregnant woman) redid our bathroom to fix a long standing leak in our shower. Our next major overhaul? Cleaning the mold said leak has caused in the basement, and organizing our basement. Patience will be key.

I will also need patience as I learn to care for a newborn. And we are going "old school" on so many things when I am used to modern conveniences. I have 7 nieces and nephews; I have changed many diapers. But never a clothe. Yet, here we are working on making and buying clothe diapers. Patience for laundry... lots of patience for laundry. I am also not great at having to wake up for someone else in the middle of the night, I do enough of that on my own (I am a terrible sleeper without Tylenol PM, by best friend!). So patience will be key for me as I learn all these new things. "Slow, continuous improvements." That is all I can ask for this year.

So as Jerry and I embark on this crazy journey of simple parenting, I hope you will help keep us accountable, enjoy the updates on our little Oswald, and understand our simple living practices. They are strange for most Americans today, but like we say around here: most Americans are broke, obese, and inconsiderate of others. Why should we strive to be like them?